Chalazion Removal: Faqs For Nervous Patients

Chalazion, which may also be referred to as a meibomian cyst, is a common condition that affects the eyelid. These bumps can show up seemingly out of nowhere, and they can cause some discomfort from the onset. However, after a short amount of time, the chalazion may become hardened and not painful at all. Nevertheless, people often choose to have their eye doctor remove the chalazion because it can affect appearance and possibly even impede your vision in severe situations. If you are planning to have a chalazion removed, you are bound to have a few questions. 

Will chalazion removal be painful?

Chalazion removal can be somewhat uncomfortable, but it should not be painful. Before the eye doctor starts working on opening up the bump to remove the material, they will inject a local anesthetic into your eyelid so you will not feel any pain. However, you may feel some pressure or tugging as the bump is removed. Because most people are sensitive about anyone doing anything on or around their eyes, the situation can be off-putting, but you should not feel any pain. 

How long will the procedure take?

Chalazion removal is usually done right in the eye clinic and the procedure should not take more than a few minutes. You will actually likely wait longer for the anesthetic to kick in than to have the material removed from the bump. After the surgery, you will be allowed to leave the office as soon as any bleeding has subsided. 

Will there be a scar after chalazion removal?

Efforts are taken with chalazion removal to ensure there is minimal scarring. Most often, the tiny incision can be made along a natural crease in the eyelid. Therefore, once the area has healed properly, you won't be able to see the fine line that the procedure leaves behind. 

Will the chalazion come back after it is removed?

People who have experienced one chalazion on an eyelid may be more likely to experience the same issue later. However, this is typically due to lifestyle habits more than having any relation to a prior chalazion removal. For example, people who rub their eyes frequently may be more at risk. During the procedure, the eye doctor removes all of the material inside the cyst sac, as well as the outer walls of the cyst. This is done to prevent the sac from refilling with the cells and material that caused the chalazion to start with.

To learn more, contact an eye clinic in your area such as Northwest Ophthalmology.
